1F 2F 3F 4F 5F 6F

EPW Special Friday Night
Natsu Matsuri “Summer Festival”

EPW Special Friday Night -Natsu Matsuri “Summer Festival”-

Special Friday Night of this month , we will hold Summer Festival.
Why don’t you enjoy an early summer night on the 4th floor terrace?
Enjoy the Takoyaki made by the EPW staff while tasting the unique craft plum wines pickled in the original recipe of “MINABE CRAFT UMESHU”.

Y i i

“Y i i” is the world’s first premium craft plum wine based on “Sakaki Jin”, which uses botanicals from Wakayama prefecture.
It features a unique aroma and taste in which the soft acidity of plums and the spiciness unique to gin are intricately intertwined. You can enjoy it like a cocktail just by dividing it with soda.

Jun 24th 17:00-20:00
EAT PLAY WORKS 4F Terrace(Kitchen on the 3rd floor when it rains )
Only EPW members and their guests can participate