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Gastronomic gathering.

Where deliciousness comes together

The connoisseurs who drive the world's trends gather at the gastronomical focal point "THE RESTAURANT". Eating here is synonymous with eating at a Michelin Starred restaurant. The rising star of nigiri-sushi from Ginza "Hakkoku" has opened the new store "Sushi Samurai". From Brooklyn, NY, "OXOMOCO", who received their first Michelin Star in only 5 months, "OXOMOCO". "An-Di" who sparked modern Vietnamese cuisine presents "An Com". The chef of three star Spanish "Sant Pau" had a hand in making "Gracia". These are just some examples from the impressive lineup of 17 famous restaurants. However, there is no need to feel intimidated. Imagine you are in a world famous street market where the savvy foodie eats out. Come and enjoy the stimulation of your five senses.

Becoming a member of EAT PLAY WORKS opens up your world of work and play.
We offer a variety of opportunities to work and play when and where you want to, whether in the city or at one with nature.
Stay tuned for more to come!


Upcoming Events

"EAT PLAY WORKS programs" will hold exclusive events around the themes of "EAT" "PLAY" and "WORK". Expect to see original programs that will satisfy our members' intellectual curiosity and stimulate their creative minds.