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Pranayama Class by suwaru

Pranayama Class by suwaru

Every Thu 19:00-20:00
Instructor:Dr. Nirmal Raj Gyawali
We are receiving Prana, the energy from nature.
Contemporary man tend to feel messed up Prana due to stress and lifestyle.
As a way to balance it, there is a breathing method called pranayama.
By doing several breathing methods, you can get strengthening lung function., improve immune function, and prevent colds and viruses.
After purifying your brain and activating energy, physical and mental energy will increase and emotional stress will decrease.
Let’s organize your mind and body by pranayama.


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Mr. Nirmal Raj Gyawali

He is a practitioner of the ancient wisdom of Himalayan meditation, having studied essential yoga (asana, breathing and meditation) from the age of nine at the Royal Arogya Ashram founded by his grandfather in Nepal. A thoroughbred of the meditation world, he began teaching royalty and dignitaries at the age of 15. At the age of 22, he completed his PhD in Yoga Meditation and graduated in Business Administration from the prestigious Tribhuvan University and became a meditation researcher with a strong business background. He is a professional educator who has taught in 20 countries for nearly 30 years and has trained over 100 yoga and meditation teachers since coming to Japan in 2003. Since 2019, he has founded Suwaru Inc. He offers numerous methods of meditation and mindfulness for modern life, such as the Nirmal method recommended for business people.